03. Christopher Bailey, MD

Dr. Bailey is the greatest.

Dr. Bailey is the greatest. He explains everything to you, all options available. His personality takes your pain away. His staff around him are the greatest as well. Great working team.

I was reading some yelp

I was reading some yelp testimonys, can’t believe how anyone can say negative words of this place. I personally have not met a person that I didn’t like here from day one back in 2017. I have been to every place of business that is associated with PISA, including the surgical center. Again I’d give them at least a five star. Dr Bailey I’d give so many mor stars. Professional, caring, one on one doctor patient explanations of procedures. He’s the best.

I have trusted and continue

I have trusted and continue to have treatment by Dr Bailey for the last 2 years and have received the BEST care from him and the staff of the Pain Institute.

I see on this first

I see on this first pg no one is bragging on Dr Christopher Bailey, so I will. He listens to the point he once told me that when he is with a patient that patient is his only concern. He has an awesome personality. He explains things in a simple manner so you comprehend. The best Thank you Dr Bailey I really haven’t found a person at PISA that hasn’t been knowledgeable and kind. Shout out to Connie in billing. Kind and compassionate, very helpful.

First of all, Dr. Bailey

First of all, Dr. Bailey LISTENS. He is interested in all I have to say, my history and my fears. He has a great attitude and is a pleasure to see. I’m just starting a treatment plan in March 2024, I have confidence in Dr Bailey, it’s me who’s chicken.
