03. Christopher Bailey, MD

Pain Institute of Southern AZ

Pain Institute of Southern AZ is the best. Dr Christopher H Bailey has helped me I so many ways of the years. Everyone is so caring and kind. I see bad reviews and wonder why. It will be a painful day when I can no longer go there. Insurance just doesn’t pay enough of my treatment bills. A forever trusting, friendship has been built. Thank you, Dr Bailey. I found you to be professional but caring and understanding. Maybe one day we will meet again. Painfully, Sheryl B

Dr. Bailey continues to be

Dr. Bailey continues to be of great help, with consultation, medical suggestions, and direct pain management treatment. It is always a pleasure to discuss my problem with Dr. Bailey as I understand he will work with me to understand what options are available to me.

I found Dr Bailey to

I found Dr Bailey to be very knowledgeable and explained the treatment plan which I found very agreeable. He is friendly and made me feel very comfortable.

Tried several treatments to alleviate

Tried several treatments to alleviate nerve damage by a surgeon that removed a lung lobe. So far these interventions have not releived this extreme pain. I am now migrating from doses of 25 mg of Tramadol to Lyrica (100 mg x 2 time a day.. This transition has been a bit difficult as the pain has become more intense and my ability to function with out pain at this time. I am hoping this transition will work. This has been very difficult dealing with this repercussion I never expected. Obviously this is a very difficult problem and I appreciate their efforts here.
