“Guard Your Bones: Fight Osteoporosis with Knowledge andAction.”

Osteoporosis is a condition where your bones become weak
and brittle, making them more likely to break even from minor
bumps or falls. This happens because the bones lose their
density, which means they don’t have as much of the hard,
supportive material they need to stay strong. Think of it like a
sponge that’s lost its firmness and is now full of holes. This
process happens slowly over time, and many people might
not notice it until they suffer a fracture from something that
wouldn’t usually cause one.

The main causes of osteoporosis include aging, hormonal
changes (especially in women after menopause), and
lifestyle factors like not getting enough calcium or vitamin D,
being inactive, smoking, or drinking too much alcohol. To
prevent or manage osteoporosis, it’s important to stay active
with weight-bearing exercises, eat a diet rich in calcium and
vitamin D, and avoid smoking and excessive drinking. In some
cases, doctors might prescribe medications to help
strengthen the bones and reduce the risk of fractures.
