
Good Posture Tips for Back Pain

If you are among the millions of Americans who suffers from back pain, you know firsthand exactly how debilitating even a slight injury can be when it means the difference between sitting out versus participating in the physical activities required of you on a daily basis or your favorite hobbies. Luckily, taking the time and effort to ensure that you have proper posture can go a long way in preventing the occurrence and severity of back injuries. Luckily, we have compiled the following information and good posture tips to ensure that you remain walking tall and free from back pain. Keep Back Pain at Bay with Good Posture Tips Understanding Good Posture The foundational element of your back—the spine—is made up of a series of thirty-three vertebrae stacked together and separated by cushiony structures known at your spinal discs. In addition to the health benefits that will be clearly evident as you read the rest of this article, good posture is also good for one’s vanity, with experts alleging that the practice can help make individuals look taller and up to ten pounds thinner. “Bad

Foods That Cause Migraines

People who experience random headaches should consider looking into foods that have been shown to possibly cause migraines. It’s said that certain foods are more prone to causing headaches than others due to their various ingredients or additives. For a great deal of people, migraines are a serious problem that can be long-lasting and obstructive to your daily plans. Finding the root of this pain can help you prevent it from becoming a chronic condition. Here is a list of prospective foods that are suspected to trigger migraines or migraine-like symptoms. Common Food Triggers for Headaches Sadly enough, some of the most common foods that cause migraines are coincidentally addicting to consume. The most notable component in these foods to watch out for are the amino acids tyramine and phenylethylamine. Foods high in tyramine and phenylethylamine include nuts, citrus fruits, chocolates, “moldy” cheeses, and vinegar. Tyramine is an amino acid that actually increases over time, which is why it can be easily found in improperly stored leftovers. Alcohol like beer, red wine, vermouth, and sherry also contain a great amount of tyramine, and is often

Can Exercise Help Prevent Migraines?

We all know exercise is good for you. It keeps internal organs functioning; it keeps the body healthy; it builds the immune system—the list is seemingly endless. But can we confidently add “helps to prevent migraines” to the numerous benefits that regular activity offers? The short answer is yes; a carefully executed workout routine can naturally help to reduce the severity and frequency of chronic headaches and migraines. While a small percentage of individuals experience issues with exercise-induced migraines, there has been extensive research proving that regular light to moderate cardio activity actually works to decrease the frequency and severity of chronic migraines in most cases. This is due to the variety of chemicals that are released throughout the body during exercise; these chemicals include endorphins (which help with pain control) and enkephalins (chemicals that naturally fight depression). In one particular study, Swedish researchers observed three separate groups of chronic migraine sufferers. One group was assigned a moderate exercise routine; another was provided with topiramate (a drug specifically created to help with migraines); and the third was given a relaxing exercise routine. At the conclusion

How Sleep Affects Chronic Pain

It makes sense that chronic pain would inhibit a good night’s sleep. After all, many of us learned at a young age that even temporary minor aches cause us to toss and turn endlessly, unable to fall asleep due to the distraction of discomfort. However, an increasing number of studies are beginning to show that it’s not a one-way street. As it turns out, insomnia (a term that covers the inability to fall asleep, the inability to stay asleep, and low-quality sleep itself) can further contribute to ongoing pain. According to various research and studies, nearly 65% of those suffering from chronic pain also suffer from sleep disorders. A lack of Z’s (or even a lack of quality sleep), especially when caused by persisting pain, often causes fatigue, irritability, and depression. These symptoms work not only to exacerbate chronic ailments but also tend to counteract the relieving effects of many common pain medications, further decreasing one’s ability to get some much-needed rest. With chronic insomnia also comes the inability of the body to repair itself, which can allow pain to spread

Tips for Sleeping Better to Help Fight Pain

Tips to Sleep Better If you suffer from chronic pain, you know all too well that it can interfere with a good night’s sleep. In fact, millions of Americans suffer from pain related sleep loss. Sometimes just a couple daily adjustments are needed to improve the situation, other times you may need to consider more of a lifestyle change. Getting less sleep than what is needed can lead to a more stressful life, as well as other health-related issues, such as sleep apnea. Having chronic pain can increase your chances of getting less sleep than you should be getting. Many people need to make adjustments in order to be able to sleep better and the importance of making some of the changes is magnified if you are one of those suffering from chronic pain.  Here are some simple tips to help you get a better night’s sleep: Live a healthier lifestyle This doesn’t mean you need to go on a Paleo diet or start counting carbs religiously, though a healthy weight will reduce the amount of stress you are putting on your body. Rather, look to reduce or

Our 5 Favorite Stretches For Back Pain

Regardless of your age or exercise routine, you may be surprised to learn how certain stretches for back pain can positively affect your day-to-day life. The benefits of stretching are unbelievable, which is why many physicians, chiropractors, and physical therapists advise patients to incorporate stretching into their daily schedule. This is also why considering a weekly yoga, pilates, or water aerobics class can improve your physical health considerably.  Consistently stretching your neck, shoulders, back, and hips will undoubtedly show an increase in your mobility and pain relief. If you’re not sure what stretches to start with, here are five of our favorite stretches for back pain:
